Ms. Kiran Islam Lecturer
Ms. Kiran Islam is an enthusiastic Educator and a Dietitian. She is currently serving as a Lecturer (Food & Nutrition) in the Department of Nutrition & Health Promotion, University of Home Economics, Lahore. Her area of interest is Clinical Nutrition, Dietetics and Research. She did her M.Phil. Home Economics (Food & Nutrition) by securing 2nd Position from University of the Punjab. She attained Post Graduate certification in Dietetics to further enhance her knowledge in the realm of Clinical Nutrition. She is keenly serving in a pioneering institute, focusing on optimizing knowledge and research skills of nutrition scholars, to aspire them to become promising professionals for improving nations’ state of nutrition.
Email id: kiranislam.fn@uhe.edu.pk
- Phil. (2017 )Home Economics (Food & Nutrition)
College of Home Economics, Lhr affiliated with University of the Punjab.
- PGDD (2021) (Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics)
University of Home Economics
- S. (Hons.) (2014) Home Economics (Food and Nutrition)
College of Home Economics, Lhr affiliated with University of the Punjab
- Lecturer (Food & Nutrition) (2022 – to date)
Department of Nutrition & Health Promotion, University of Home Economics, Lahore
- Teaching Assistant / Visiting Faculty (Food & Nutrition) 2019-2021
Department of Nutrition & Health Promotion, University of Home Economics, Lahore
- External Examiner (2017-2019)
Annual Examination of BS Home Economics (Food and Nutrition, Meal Management & Food Preservation) by University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Clinical Nutritionist (2017-2019)
Carex Hospital, Lahore
- Dietetics Internee (Nov 2014 – May 2015)
Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore
Courses Taught
Macronutrients in Human Nutrition, Nutrition Health & Prevention – I & II, Dietetics – I, Physiological Aspects of Nutrition, Practical Approaches to Therapeutic Diet, Lifecycle Nutrition for Normal & Individuals with Special Needs, Fundamentals of Culinary Arts, Applied Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Educational Research, Nutritional Research & Biostatistics, Introduction to Psychology.
Research Work
- A Case report on Nutritional Management of Mild Acute Pancreatitis. (Case Study)
- Maternal Food Hygiene Knowledge and Practices among Children with Recurrent and Non-Recurrent Diarrhoea. (Correlational Research – M.phil. Thesis)
- A Report on Determination of Fat Content of Puff Pastry of Different Bakeries (Experimental Research).
- Protein and Energy Intake among School Going Girls of 9-10 years of age (Survey Research – BS Thesis)
- A Report on Trends of Hb Levels and KAP among Females of 20-21 Years of Age Studying at Home Economics College; Regarding Iron Deficiency Anemia (Survey Research).
- A Report on Management in Hospital Meal Services (Qualitative Research).
- Shahzad, S., Islam, K., Azhar, S., Fiza, S., Ahmed, W., & Murtaza, Z. (2017) Impact of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Iron Deficiency Anaemia Status Among Females of Reproductive Age Group (20-21-year-old) Studying in Government Home Economics College Lahore, Pakistan. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research; 3(4):31-36.
- Islam, K., & Hameed, S. (2014) Protein and Energy Intake among School Going Girls (9-10 years of age). Journal of Home Economics; 2(3):37-44.
- Abstract Published in international conference of ” Recent Trends in Clinical Nutrition and Food Sciences”.
Batool, Z., Wadood, S.A., & Islam, K., (2023), Significant Health Impacts of Water Chestnut (Trapanatans), International conference of ” Recent Trends in Clinical Nutrition and Food Sciences”.